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Regular price $20.00
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Caladiums are heat-loving tropical perennials that have almost unparalleled foliage and make showy houseplants.
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Get to Know Caladium!


The plant's large, heart- or arrow-shaped, paper-thin leaves come in a striking array of colors and patterns. A mass of caladium is an explosion of whites, greens, reds, and pinks that are mottled, veined, and striped. They can easily offer the visual impact of having planted flowers while only being foliage plants. Though they are grown mainly for their foliage, they do produce some flowers, which start in the form of spathes, or spikes. A caladium is a great option for beginner plant owners when it has a home with enough light and humidity.


Water your caladium when the top 25% of soil is dry. Water thoroughly, and be sure to empty the saucer of any excess water to prevent root rot. When the plant goes dormant in the winter, water very sparingly to allow the plant to rest. Begin watering again in the spring to “wake” the plant out of dormancy.


Your caladium will thrive best in bright to medium-bright indirect light. It can tolerate direct morning sun like in an eastern or northern window. Avoid areas in which it will be exposed to harsh afternoon sun.


No! This plant is toxic to humans and animals.

Sad Plant (is your plant dying?)

DRY LEAVES?: The plant needs higher humidity. Try either to increase the humidity around the plant, e.g. by using a humidifier or try to keep the humidity within your little jungle a little higher by having more plants in the immediate surrounding. You can also cut off heavily dried leaves with a clean pair of scissors or knife, so that the plant can put more energy into new leaves.

BROWN SPOTS: Once the plant has burnt spots, you can’t undo them. You should give the plant a location where it gets plenty of light but no direct sunlight. Especially harmful is the location with direct sunlight, if you spray the leaves with water and the water droplets catalyze the sunlight like a magnifying glass. Again, only cutting off the burnt leaves will help to bring the power of the plant into new leaves.

DROOPY LEAVES: If you can rule out drafts in your location and exposure to cold air, it is most likely that your caladium has not received enough water. Depending on how far this stage has progressed, you may still be able to save the plant by watering it properly now. If the leaves look limp even 24 hours after watering, they are probably beyond saving and you can cut them off.

CURLED UP LEAVES: To prevent curled leaves the location should be draught free. In my case, especially the Caladium leaves curled up, which were in the direct draught or which were generally cold during the development of the plant. So try to pay attention to the temperature and ideally the leaves will recover. If the old leaves remain curled, you can cut them off. If you have adjusted the basic conditions, the new leaves should unfold again.

BREAKING STEMS: To prevent bending stems you can support the plant in its growth. For this you can simply use branches from the garden center or from outside, to which you fix the stems of the plants. In addition, make sure that the plant is always supplied with sufficient amounts of water to ensure the stability of the plant.

YELLOW LEAVES: The leaves are usually beyond saving, accordingly you can cut them off. To prevent yellow leaves in the future, pay attention to a regular watering cycle and prevent waterlogging in the pot.